Text Box: To book or to enquire about an Odyssey Dramatic Presentation® please follow the guidelines below:

National Organizations
Corporate bodies
Major conferences
Professional Groups

Astronomical Societies
History Societies
U3A Groups
Women’s Institutes
Museums & Libraries
Miscellaneous small groups

Should contact me directly

Zoom Presentations are available on request
Odyssey Log

Legal, Trademark & Copyright Notice

Odyssey Productions®, Odyssey Dramatic Lectures® , Odyssey Dramatic Presentations® and Odyssey Zoom Presentations ® are Trademarks of Andrew Lound. All content in presentations is copyright  © Andrew Lound 1978-2025 All Rights Reserved.


Any unauthorised use of the terms Odyssey Dramatic Lectures®, Odyssey LecturesTM Odyssey Dramatic Presentations ® Odyssey Zoom Presentations ® and Odyssey Productions® without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Britannia Sky ® Copyright ©2015-2025 Andrew Lound All Rights Reserved.

Pathfinder Spacecraft® Copyright ©1996-2025 and Trademark of the University of California Institute of Technology - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory All Rights Reserved. Models built under license.

Urban Spaceman public events Copyright ©1988-2025 Andrew Lound All Rights Reserved. Urban Spaceman Copyright © 1969 Neil Innes E state used with permission.

Mars Invades Britain ® ©1997-2025 and Trademark Andrew Lound All Rights Reserved.

Carl Sagan Presentation: the name CARL SAGAN is © 1996-2025 of the Carl Sagan Estate All Rights Reserved.

Text Box: Contact# 


Odyssey Productions ® provides a high quality professional service, and operates within the standard practice of international speakers’ agencies, and internationally accepted conditions.

Presentations Performed By:

ANDREW LOUND, (Pronounced as in SOUND) with some presentations including Penelope Ferguson, a professional actress.

Booking a Dramatic Presentation

Presentations may be booked via telephone, e-mail, or in writing. Dates will be held for a maximum of 14 days until final confirmation in writing is obtained.

Clients should supply the following with the confirmation:

    Full postal address of the venue, and may include a map if possible.
    Contact Point with telephone number.
    Time of arrival for set-up.
    Actual time presentation is to start.
    Details of any intermission required.
    Ticket cost if any.

It is recommended that for Theatre and Stage versions an advance visit to the venue should be scheduled to enable the speaker to inspect the venue.

NOTE: Confirmation of booking constitutes an acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Dramatic Presentation Description:

A full detailed description of the presentation complete with stage directions will be supplied at the time of booking.


Theatres and lecture halls should already be fully equipped.
For non theatre venues the client should supply or have available at the venue the following:
A projection screen and/or wall area to project onto should be available at the venue. It is recommended that screen area should at least 6x4 ft 
For Theatre and Stage performances, rear projection in preferred, but not essential. For Duo Presentations a ceiling mounted or close focus projector is required.
A digital projector, 1024 x 768 minimum resolution. 5,000 Lumens brightest for rooms with ambient light. HDMI Connection preferred.
All extension cables should be available on site.
Amplified audio connections for music (40w minimum output). These can be supplied at no extra charge.
Stand or table for projector and computer.
Should the host provide a microphone this should be a radio clip-mic or headset and NOT a hand held microphone, as the performance involves movement. For Duo performances two microphones may be required.
A headset microphone may be supplied at no extra cost to plug into existing system.
Power points required: 2 (1 for laptop, 1 for projector).
Note: Any equipment supplied by the speaker beyond a laptop may be charged in addition to the speaker's fee.

Speaker will supply 
A laptop. Due to the technical requirements of the presentation and the copyright agreements for music and images no data will be transferred to another computer.
Audio speakers for sound (if not available on site).
Headset  microphone (if none available)

Fees & Charges

Cost of fee depends on type of organization and event:
Non-Profit organization (Special interest societies/clubs, U3A, WI , Probus etc)
Heritage Business (Independent Museum Trusts, National Trust  sites etc)
Commercial, Corporate

Standard fee (For non-commercial bookings this will be purely to cover royalties, insurance and licenses)
+ Travel 2nd class return train/bus/air. (Bus and rail tickets will be acquired in advance by the speaker. Air tickets shall be provided by the host).
+ Overnight accommodation (if required) or hosted by organization. Overnight accommodation will be required if the speaker is unable to return to home base the same evening.This accommodation shall be arranged by the client.
Should the venue be more than half a mile or 1km from the nearest railway station/airport, a lift will be required or additional cost for a taxi will be added to the final charge.
Cheques are payable to ‘Andrew Lound’. 
Supply of a digital projector (if required) at additional charge.
For Theatre and Stage performances a 25% deposit is required to secure date with the final settlement being paid on the date of the presentation. 
For all other presentations full payment is due on the date of the presentation. For payments made after the date of the presentation a £25 surcharge is made in addition to fee and expenses.
BACs payments: Such payments are only being permitted with organizations which supply details of how such records are kept securely. 

Standard fee (For non-commercial bookings this will be purely to cover royalties, insurance and licenses)  
Or pay-per-view at £4 minimum 30 persons maximum 95 persons. (non-commercial). £8 per person (commercial/corporate).

Both parties Speaker & Client should give reasonable notice for any cancellation; accidents, illness, fire, flood, acts of terrorism notwithstanding. The availability of the venue is the responsibility of the client, any cancellation due the venue being unavailable will result in a 50% payment of the fee. 
Should the client cancel a presentation within three months of the due date of the presentation the full amount of fee and any expenses incurred shall be paid.
In certain circumstances should Odyssey Productions® cancel the event within three months, Odyssey will provide a presentation free of all charges in recompense.

Inclement weather
Cancellation due to inclement weather will only be non-chargeable if public transport has stopped running. Failure of heating at the venue, or where paths on the premises of the venue have become flooded, iced etc is the responsibility of the venue owners, and they should ensure the venue is available with paths being cleared to meet their obligation.

Health & Safety
Health and Safety at a venue is the responsibility of the venue owners and the client(s) making the booking. Any specific condition for Health and Safety should be supplied at time of confirmation. 
The speaker will not perform in an environment where there is smoke, this includes vapour/e-cigarettes.

The speaker reserves the right to publicize their activities. Events which are for ‘members only’ will be stated as such. Meetings where non-members are permitted to attend will carry a point of contact of the host organization.
Host organizations' publicity regarding the speaker and the lecture should only use the information supplied. Photographs are available on request. The registered trademark symbol  ® shall appear next to the terms Odyssey Dramatic Presentation®  and Odyssey Productions®
Odyssey Presentations should NOT be referred to as ‘talks’ as this would misrepresent the style and quality.

In accordance with The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 accreditation to images is noted at the end of the presentation. Audio performance is granted under license issued by the Performing Right Society. However, client should ensure that the venue has the appropriate public performance licenses. Research material including text is copyright of Andrew Lound. Royalty payments for images and video are the responsibility of the speaker and are included in the fee. Photography and filming: As the rights to  images and film are held by various parties, there shall be no photographs, filming or audio recording of the presentation during the performance. Where the event is recorded purely for archival purposes and not for publications or public showing, recordings may be made. 

Special Requirements Live Performance
Access to power points, a small table. Projection screen or surface. Projector stand.
Facility for costume change may be required for some presentations.

The set-up arrangements at the venue are the responsibility of the events manager of the organization booking the presentation. If you require the speaker to make arrangements on behalf of the organization, a consultancy and/or event management charge will be made.
1. Client should ensure that suitable BLACK-OUT is provided in the presentation room. Curtains which are light coloured or made from light material may not provide adequate black-out during daytime performances. It has been noted that some venues have skylights and sidelights that cannot be covered. These venues are unsuitable in daytime for Odyssey Dramatic Presentations®. For theatre and stage versions, lighting rehearsal will be required. For Duo performances two spot lamps will be required.
For ZOOM performances it is recommended that a monitor not smaller than 12”, or LCD TV be used to view. Small monitors and telephones are not suitable.
2. If an intermission or refreshment break is required, this should be declared ASAP, preferably during the booking to enable the speaker to schedule a break at a suitable point in the presentation. For theatre and stage versions a break is scheduled as part of the presentation.
3. Time should be allowed for the Set-up of presentations including the stage. Setting up times vary (30 – 60 minutes) dependant on the presentation booked. For theatre and stage versions a full day of preparation should be allowed.
4. Access to set up equipment and props should be made available on speaker’s arrival. 
5. The front row of the audience should be a minimum of 6 feet from the speaker’s forward position to allow freedom of movement with props.
6. A facility for the speaker to change privately into costume should be available.
The screen will have a caption slide: 
On introduction, lights out and the Dramatic Presentation Intro will begin with music, Logos and title slide.
Stage Direction: Speaker will either wait at the back of the room or stand to the side until Title slide begins. Speaker will then enter and begin. Speaker will remain in front of the audience during the presentation moving and showing various props.
If an Intermission is required an Intermission slide will appear at the appropriate moment.
The presentation will end with music and credits. The speaker is legally bound to show these credits.
The last caption states THANK YOU.
Lights On.
Question & answer session may be included if required.
Text Box: For Zoom Presentations Booking

See The Zoom presentations page