Text Box: The first fully fledged global conflict began in 1914. Over the next few years millions of men would be killed in relentless  fighting.  Millions more civilians would be killed or displaced.  The tragedy of the Great War still resounds today, In commemoration of the centenary of the outbreak, Odyssey Productions® will be producing a number of special presentations that will view the conflict from a variety of points of view. 
Odyssey LogText Box: Contact# 

Text Box: THE ANGELS OF HARBORNE—The Story of Harborne Hall VAD Hospital     1hr 15min,    
Text Box: Auxilliary hospitals became a vital part of the care and recuperation of soldiers who were wounded in action. Many hospitals were set up across the country supported by the local community. Harborne Hall was owned by the Chamberlain family, Walter being Chairman of W&T Avery Limited made the house available as a home for Belgian Refugees and thn later as a VAD hospital. The cost to run the hospital was met by W&T Avery. With esclusive access to the Avery archive, the full story fo the Hall’s use during the first world war is told. From 1914-1915 as  ahome for Belgian refugees and then as a hospital. Rare images and music accompany this tale of hope and recovery.