Quick Guide (see other pages for detailed descriptions)     New Presentations in Green
Text Box: A quick guide to the large selection of Dramatic Presentations available. For a detailed description of the presentations visit the subject pages. All presentations contain wonderful images, video, music, sound effects, visual effects and are dramatically presented in costume with props.
The presentations are available in several versions to meet your event’s requirements. New Zoom versions of most of the presentations are now available.
Text Box: Contact# 

Text Box: Corporate & Inspirational Presentations

HOUSTON WE’VE HAD A PROBLEM : SAVING APOLLO 13– Andrew demonstrates how team work, leadership and focus can resolve what appears to be the 
unsurmountable as Apollo technicians and engineers try to solve problems never before encountered. Accompanied with images period film and dramatic music.  Z

THE POWER OF INVENTION : I Sir give the world what is most requires—Power” the words of Matthew Boulton in 1776. The Birmingham entrepreneur had supported 
James Watt in the development of the steam engine. This presentation demonstrations the requirements needed to bring forth a great innovation to the market place. 
Which in the case of the Watt engine gave power to the industrial revolution. Z

CARPATHIA:THE MIDNIGHT DASH—In any time of crises if often takes one person to come to the fore. In the case of the Titanic disaster that man was Captain Rostron. With no procedures or prepared plan Captain Rostron raced to the aid of the Titanic. The presentation also demonstrates the trust he hand in his crew and how he inspired them to get the very best out of them.  Z

SHACKLETON: BY ENDURANCE WE CONQUER– Sir Ernest Shackleton retuned to the Antarctic in 1914 to lead an ambitious expedition to cross the Antarctic continent. His ship Endurance became trapped in ice resulting in the most incredible struggle for survival in history. Shackleton would lead 28 men to safety after an 800 mile voyage in a lifeboat. Andrew tells Shackleton’s story illustrating leadership skills that can be applied to life. 


Text Box: Astronomy & Space

TO SEE THE BEGINNING OF TIME  - Images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Z
AN ODYSSEY THROUGH THE SOLAR SYSTEM—Guide the planets, moons, asteroids, comets and  wonders of the Solar System. Z
 MERCURY: A RELATIVE PLANET—History of the observation of the planet Mercury from mythology to latest space probes. Z
VENUS: PARADISE LOST—History of the observation of the planet Venus from mythology to latest space probes. Z
PALE BLUE DOT—The Earth viewed as a planet from the perspective of an alien scientist. Z
A MARS ODYSSEY- History of the observation of the planet Mars from mythology to latest space probes. Z
MARS: FACT & FICTION—Comparison of our view of Mars as writers thought it was and how scientists have shown it is. Z
WAR OF THE WORLDS—A look at H.G. Wells’ famous book and its incarnations in radio and film and the cultural effects on society. Z
A JUPITER ODYSSEY- History of the observation of the planet Jupiter from mythology to latest space probes. Z
SATURN: LORD OF THE RINGS- History of the observation of the planet Saturn from mythology to latest space probes. Z
UNDER MARMALADE SKIES—History of the observation of Saturn’s Moon Titan from mythology to latest space probes. Z
GUARDIANS OF THE RINGS—A close look at the Moons of Saturn with their varied surfaces and the relationship they have with Saturn’s rings.
URANUS: GEORGE’S PLANET—History of the observation of the planet Uranus from discovery in 1781 to latest space probes. Z
NEPTUNE: A CALCULATED GUESS- History of the observation of the planet Neptune from discovery to latest space probes. Z
OUT OF THE DARKNESS—History of the observation of the planet Pluto & Kuiper belt objects from discovery to latest space probe. Z
COMETS: SIGNPOSTS IN HISTORY—History of the observation of comets from mythology to latest space probes. Z
THE DISCOVERY OF NEW WORLDS—The story of how planets and moons have been discovered and still being discovered. Z
A FIRE IN THE SKY—The story of the strange explosion in Tunguska that destroyed hundreds of miles of forest was it a comet or an asteroid? Z
CALLING THE COSMOS—The story of the many attempts to find extra-terrestrial life. Z
LUNATICK ASTRONOMY—The astronomical work of the Lunar Society (Matthew Boulton, James Watt, Joseph Priestley, Erasmus Darwin etc) Z
A STARRY NIGHT TO REMEMBER– The story of the ill fated Titanic and it’s astronomical connections. .Z
CARL SAGAN: MAN OF THE COSMOS—A biography of the famous scientists and science populariser Carl Sagan. Z
MURMURS OF EARTH-The story of the gold disc that contains messages from Earth placed on two Voyager spacecraft. Z
INTO THE COSMIC OCEAN—The story of humankinds’ need to explore the cosmos.
THE SOLAR SYSTEM IN 3D—Images of the planets, moons and comets in 3D. 3D glasses required.
HERSCHEL’S LUNATICK FRIENDS—The story of astronomer William Herschel’s links with the members of the Lunar Society. Z
A LIBYAN SPACE ODYSSEY—The story of Andrew’s expedition to study the Total Solar Eclipse of 2006 from Libya. Z
AT THE GATES OF VALHALLA—The story of the Aurora from mythology to the latest scientific research. Z
BY THE LIGHTOF THE SILVERY MOON– The story of the Moon’s effect on humanity and the developments of observation and exploration. Z
SPACED OUT IN THE SIXTIES-The story of spaceflight and astronomy in the 1960s. Z
THE SKY IS NO LONGER THE LIMIT—A brief history of spaceflight focusing on the latest developments. Z
HARBINGERS  OF LIFE AND DEATH—THE ASTEROIDS—Asteroids and small bodies of the Solar System
THE UNIVERSE IN A NEW LIGHT –The work of the James Webb Telescope
COSIMO’S STARS—THE FOUR LARGE MOONS OF JUPITER– An in-depth look at Jupiter’s largest four moons.
Text Box: Spaceflight

CHARIOTS OF FIRE—The history of rocketry. Z
BRITANNIA SKY—The history of Britain is space. Z
 SPUTNIK AROUND THE WORLD IN 98 MINUTES—The story of Sputnik 1 the world’s first artificial satellite. Z
GEMINI:THE TWINS OF SPACE—The story of NASA’s Gemini space programme. Z
THE MOON AT CHRISTMAS-THE EPIC VOYAGE OF APOLLO 8—The story of the first human mission to the Moon. Z
APOLLO: A MOON ODYSSEY—The story of the manned Moon programme from dreams to Apollo 17. 
APOLLO 13: FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION—The heart stopping story of Apollo 13.  Z
A HANDSHAKE IN ORBIT– The story of the joint US—USSR Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. Z
SPACEWINGS—The Story of the Space shuttle from early concepts to its retirement. Z
SKYWALKING LIVING IN EARTH ORBIT—The story of space stations from early concepts to the International Space Station. Z
LONG MARCH TO THE STARS—The Story of the Chinese space programme. Z
SPACED OUT IN THE SIXTIES-The story of spaceflight and astronomy in the 1960s.Z
SOROR AD ASTRA: WOMEN IN SPACE—The story of women in astronomy and spaceflight.
SPIRIT IN THE SKY: SPACEFLIGHT IN THE 1970s—The story of spaceflight in the 1970s. Z
THE SKY IS NO LONGER THE LIMIT—A look at the future of spaceflight. Z
FROM TSIOLKOWSKY TO THE STARS—A history of the Russian space programme. Z
STARMAN—THE ODYSSEY OF YURI A. GAGARIN—The dramatic story of the first human in space. Z
SPACE– THE FUEL CELL FRONTIER—The story of the development and use of hydrogen fuel cells in spacecraft. Z
ONWARDS & UPWARDS—The new space race of the 21st century.
EUROPA ASCENDING –The story of Europe in space.
Text Box: Titanic

TITANIC: THE RETURN OF A DREAM—The whole story of the Titanic from conception to rediscovery. Z S
TITANIC: THE MIDLANDS’ CONNECTIONS—The story of the Titanic from a Midlands’ perspective.   Z S
BUILDING THE TITANIC—The story of the construction of the ill fated RMS Titanic.  Z S
LIFE IN THE BALANCE—Biography of first class passenger William E. Hipkins. Z S
CARPATHIA:THE MIDNIGHT DASH—The story of the Titanic as told from the viewpoint of the 
                                                                                                                                            RMS Carpathia that went to her aid.  Z
CHILDREN OF THE TITANIC—The story of the children who were passengers and who worked on the Titanic. Z S
A STARRY NIGHT TO REMEMBER -The story of the ill fated Titanic and it’s astronomical connections. Z
TITANIC: IMAGES OF A LEGEND—The story of the Titanic as told from images of the period. Z S
THE TITANIC EXPRESS —The story of the train that brought passengers to the Titanic. S
Text Box: History

18th century—19th Century
LUNATICK ASTRONOMY—The astronomical work of the Lunar Society (Matthew Boulton, James Watt, Joseph Priestley, Erasmus Darwin etc) Z
HERSCHEL’S LUNATICK FRIENDS—The story of astronomer William Herschel’s links with the members of the Lunar Society. Z
URANUS GEORGE’S PLANET—History of the observation of the planet Uranus from discovery in 1781 to latest space probes. Z
VULCAN’S TEMPLE—The story of Boulton and Watt’s Soho Foundry. Z
THE LOST WORLD OF SOHO FOUNDRY—A photographic history of Soho Foundry accompanied by music. Z
19th century
BRUNEL’S LEVIATHAN –The story of Isembard Kingdom Brunel’s ship The Great Eastern. 1857– 1888 Z
W. & T. AVERY THE VICTORIAN WEIGH—The development of the Birmingham firm of W & T Avery and how they became a household name. 1813-1899 Z S
LIFE IN THE BALANCE—Biography of Titanic first class passenger William E. Hipkins (1857-1912) . Z S
WAGNER—THE MUSIC, THE PASSION, THE MAN –The life and works of the great Richard Wagner. (1813-1883).
20th century
A FIRE IN THE SKY—The story of the strange explosion in Tunguska that destroyed hundreds of miles of forest was it a comet or an asteroid? 1908 Z
TO THE END OF THE EARTH– The story of Captain Scott’s ill fated expedition to Antarctica and his attempt to be first to the South Pole. 1911-1912 Z
SHACKLETON: BY ENDURANCE WE CONQUER– The gripping story of Sir Ernest Shackleton, polar explorer. 1914-1916 Z
LINER OF THE SKIES –The story of the Airship Hindenburg. 1937 Z
SPACED OUT IN THE SIXTIES-The story of spaceflight and astronomy in the 1960s. 196-1969   Z
F.A.B.:THE STORY OF THUNDERBIRDS—The story of the famous TV series Thunderbirds. 1966
APOLLO: A MOON ODYSSEY—The story of the manned Moon programme from dreams to Apollo 17. 1969-1972  Z
SPIRIT IN THE SKY SPACEFLIGHT IN THE 1970s—The story of spaceflight in the 1970s.  1970-1979  Z
DICK NIXON—A new perspective of President Richard Nixon.
FLICK TO KICK—THE STORY OF SUBBUTEO— A history of the popular table football game.

WILFUL MURDER? - The story of the Sinking of the RMS Lusitania. Z
THE POWER OF BALANCE– The story of the firm of W.&T. Avery Limited during the First World War. Z
THE ODYSSEY OF TOMMY ATKINS—The story of a WW1 soldier (single and Duo versions).
THE ANGELS OF HARBORNE HALL—The story of Harborne Hall VAD Hospital. Z

KEEPING THE TROOPS ON TRACK—The story of Metro-Cammell and its activities during the second world war. Z
WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT BIRMINGHAM GOES TO WAR—The story of Birmingham during World War 2. Z
WAR IN THE BALANCE—The story of W.& T. Avery during the Second World War. Z
BATTLE OF IRON—The story of the German battleship Bismarck. Z
SECRETS OF THE BLACK-OUT—Stories from the black-out.  Z

WEIGHING THE WORLD—The Story of the Birmingham Firm of W. & T. Avery Limited.  1730-present  Z S
COMETS: SIGNPOSTS IN HISTORY—History of the observation of comets from mythology to latest space probes. Z
THE DISCOVERY OF NEW WORLDS—The story of how planets and moons have been discovered and still being discovered. 1781-present  Z
WAR OF THE WORLDS—A look at H.G. Wells’ famous book and its incarnations in radio and film and the cultural effects on society. 1898-present  Z
CHARIOTS OF FIRE—The history of Rocketry. Z
SIMPLY ELEMENTARY—THE STORY OF HYDROGEN—A history of the most abundant element Hydrogen. Z
Text Box: Soho Foundry 

VULCAN’S TEMPLE—The story of Boulton and Watt’s Soho Foundry. Z
THE LOST WORLD OF SOHO FOUNDRY—A photographic history of Soho Foundry accompanied by music. Z
WEIGHING THE WORLD—The Story of the Birmingham Firm of W. & T. Avery Limited. Z S
LIFE IN THE BALANCE—Biography of first class passenger William E. Hipkins. Z
THE POWER OF BALANCE– The story of the firm of W.&T. Avery Limited during the First World War. Z
WAR IN THE BALANCE—The story of W.& T. Avery during the Second World War. Z
W & T AVERY 200 YEARS OF INNOVATION—A history of the famous weighing machine manufacturers. Z S
DECEMBER 1940—THE NIGHT SOHO FOUNDRY WAS BOMBED. The story of the bombing and recovery of Soho Foundry. Z
Text Box: First World War

WILFUL MURDER? - The story of the Sinking of the RMS Lusitania. Z
THE ODYSSEY OF TOMMY ATKINS (DUO) - Two person presentation on the life of a typical British soldier in the First  
        World War.
THE ODYSSEY OF TOMMY ATKINS (SINGLE) - One person presentation of the life of a typical British soldier in the First 
         World War.
TOMMY ATKINS SCHOOL VISIT - Presentation on the life of a typical British soldier in the First World War.
THE POWER OF BALANCE– The story of the firm of W.&T. Avery Limited during the First World War. Z
THE ANGELS OF HARBORNE—The story of Harborne Hall VAD Hospital. Z
Text Box: Photographic

THE UNIVERSE IN A NEW LIGHT –The work of the James Webb Telescope.
TO SEE THE BEGINNING OF TIME  - Images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Z
THE LOST WORLD OF SOHO FOUNDRY—A photographic history of Soho Foundry accompanied by music. Z
PALE BLUE DOT—The Earth viewed as a planet from the perspective of an alien scientist. Z
TITANIC: IMAGES OF A LEGEND—The story of the Titanic as told from images of the period. Z S
BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON—A Photographic history through the Solar System & Beyond. Z
AT THE GATES OF VALHALLE—The story of the Aurora from mythology to the latest scientific research. Z
SPACE ON CANVAS– A picturesque look at the history of space art.
2001:  A RETROSPECTIVE ODYSSEY—An examination of the influence of the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Text Box: Duo Presentations

THE ODYSSEY OF TOMMY ATKINS—The story of a generic soldier and his wife Alice.
ABRAHAM VAN HELSING & THE LAST VAMPYR— The legendary Vampyre hunter takes on his last Vampyre—A Countess. (Adult audience only).
MARY SHELLEY’S CREATION—Mary Shelley comes face to face with her creation on a dark stormy night (Family & Adult versions).
LIFE OF THE AMATEUR ASTRONOMER—Andrew and his able assistant, discuss the ups & downs of amateur astronomy (Adult audience only).
WILLIAM & CAROLINE HERSCHEL—The famous brother & sister astronomical partnership discuss their work and relationship.
SPACED OUT IN THE SIXTIES—A history of spaceflight and science against the backdrop of the swinging sixties.
Text Box: Family History/Genealogical

SEARCHING FOR MR. HIPKINS—The Complex and challenging research to trace the life of W.E. Hipkins, Titanic victim 
                               from Birmingham. Z
LIVES IN THE BALANCE—SCALE MAKERS & THE WEIGHING INDUSTRY—People who worked in scale making.  Guide to terms, working practices, companies etc. Z
TITANIC ANCESTORS—Tracing your ancestors of the Titanic (and other ships). Z

Text Box: Philatelic

A PHILATELIC SPACE  ODYSSEY—The history of space exploration told through postage stamps. Z
Text Box: AMAZE & ASTOUND—A series of presentations based on Andrew Lound’s BBC Radio slots see separate page for details

BLACK COUNTRY (& BIRMINGHAM) SKIES                                                           SCIENCE IN THE MIDLANDS
AN ADMIRAL IN TOWN                                                                                             REBELIOUS BIRMINGHAM
THE PEAKY BULNDERERS                                                                                      A CANAL RUNS THROUGH IT                                                     
A PLAGUE ON THE MIDLANDS                                                                               FROM HILLTOP TO HOLLYWOOD
GHOSTLY CONNECTIONS IN BIRMINGHAM & THE BLACK  COUNTRY             CLOSE ENCOUNTERS IN THE MIDLANDS                                                           
Text Box: MYSTERIOUS BRITAIN —Myths, legends and Folklore of Great Britain in several parts. Book as a block or individually.

GHOSTS & WICHES                             HEROES & VILLAINS                     LORE OF THE LAND -MIDLANDS’ LEGENDS
LAND OF THE WITCH  (Cambridgshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk)         
LAND OF THE DANE  (Derbyshire, Notts, Leicestershire, Lincs)
Other regions by request

SIMPLY ELEMENTARY—THE STORY OF HYDROGEN—A history of the most abundant element Hydrogen. Z
SPACE– THE FUEL CELL FRONTIER—The story of the development and use of hydrogen fuel cells in spacecraft. Z
THE POWER GAME—The story of the development of energy and power for industry .Z
OILING THE GLOBAL ECONOMY –History of the petrochemical industry. Z
Text Box: WHAT IF…? Presentations about alternative histories: